Sunday, 27 November 2011


I think food and romance are totally linked.
From oysters, to strawberries and cream, to the spaghetti scene in Lady & the Tramp, the lusty feast in Tom Jones.
I think we, we express love through food.
The best dinner I ever had was made with such tenderness and love for me and that, that is really, it’s such a simple expression of love but such a powerful one.
The first stage of romance is that dizzy head spinning teenage bit. You tend to eat not very much at all. It tends to be the sort of food that you can pick a bit at, leave and come back to. I suppose its all to do with that sort of decadent feeling of being in love, where it feels that the world will wait for you.
I think that old book shops ooze with romance. I think the history of books, of where they came from and who had them and loved them, is part of their magic.
You know, finding the first edition of a old postcard, in the back of that book that someone’s forgotten about. The romance can be found in the dedications.
“To Jane: Blue beetles, strawberries, poplars, orioles and a ford.” - the most obliquely romantic thing ever.
“He loved 3 things alone:
White peacocks, even song, old maps of america.
He hated children crying, and raspberry jam with his tea, and womanly hysteria.
And he had married me.”
I think train stations are historically romantic.
You have Brief Encounter, you have the old sort of 30’s & 40’s images of the Orient Express. It sums up everything.

And that whole notion of seeing a stranger through a train window or across the platform. Catching their eye, and they’re gone.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

7. Rambles, Shambles & Brambles

Hello blog,

I hope that you have been well.

I've been feeling a bit ramble-ish lately. First day back at university today and it was terrifying. Usually i'm quite excited to go back, see my friends and get started on my education.

Not this time.

I suppose in a way, i'm feeling like i shouldn't be there. Doing a masters, i only know one person on my course, all of my other friends have graduated. Which, i know, makes perfect sense. I'm MChem, they're BSc. Yet, as i was looking around the room, at my peers, i just couldn't shake the feeling that i did not belong. It was an peculiar experience. Almost as if i should have joined everyone else in their graduations. 

I doesn't really help, blog, that I'm not really supposed to be there anyway, scraping through the masters course literally by the skin of my teeth. And although my lecturer would never outrightly say it, i could sense his eyes staring at me. He knew, i knew it. It remained unspoken, my grades last year were not what they expected. But i'm here now, and i need to prove him wrong.

With it being MChem, my personal work load has increased so much. I have an insane project that i have a year to complete. I spoke to my Project Captain today, it did not go well. It's not that he's a horrible person blog, quite the contrary actually. That's the thing though, too nice, too laid back. I need structure if I'm to succeed. I've been given a free mind to do whatever chemical project i want, any at all. Crap. My mind tends to run away with itself on a tangent, i could end up doing something so far from what i wanted, i don't want this, i can't have this. Yet, i feel that he won't attempt to reign my back at all. I don't think in my life i'll have to discipline my creativity so much as will have to in the the next 9 months. I can't be so chaotic.

There is a plus side to these past few weeks blog. With the start of uni, is the start of all my friends coming back, i've drank many a bramble in font, catching up on old times. And even though its been 3 months, it doesn't really feel like that at all, but i guess, in some way, it never does.

And that's always nice isn't it blog?

I really don't envy the freshers, sure party all night, first year not counting towards anything, halls of residence. But the friends they pick/find now, will more than likely be the ones they know all their life. It's a scary thought, choose wisely, i got lucky.

Till later..

Thursday, 15 September 2011

6. Ceremonials

Greetings blog,

As you're probably aware, the titles to my blogs have something to do with how i'm feeling or what's been going on in my life at that given moment.


I've actually got Florence + The Machine to thank for this particular title. It's the title for the upcoming album, and if it's anything like the 2 singles released it will be a smash hit. I've always like her hauntingly gospel like sound and ghostly lyrics that strike a nerve. It annoys me that people don't like her because they think she's typically alternatively folksy or whatever... she's a talented singer/song writer and deserves the recognition.

Anyway, I digress..

The point is, that her 2 new singles have really struck a chord with me at the moment.

You have What The Water Gave Me which is a clear allusion to Virginia Woolf's suicide and the painfully beautiful painting Frieda Kahlo. I guess, the whole song is about exploring death and the water being this overwhelming natural force that can either take life or revive it. It started to make me think about the overwhelming factors in my life, and if i've really let them become a burden. "Let the only sound be the overflow"... sometimes when your life is full, it can be quite peaceful to just take note of what's going on around those things, the overflow.

Then, Shake It Out.
The whole song just makes me literally want to shake out my problems, no matter how dark they are. Start a new.
"I am done with my graceless heart. So tonight, i'm going to cut it out and restart". But it's ok to look for the good in myself and yet keep the real darkness and issues to myself, because i'm only human. It's in my nature.

I think i really just understood that life is a ceremony. That life is an event, deserves to be celebrated because it is not infinite. I need to start looking more, at all of the little things and all of the big things. We were born to use our eyes, to see the wind in the long green grass, and the blue in the skies.

I'm going to try and make everything a little ceremony.  Life is only on earth, and not for long.

Till later...

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

5. A Scottish Caesura

Morning Blog,
& how are you today?

So, Scotland was really, really fun. I think primarily, because i was with my whole entire family.
I guess i thought of them being so isolated, in Aberdeen. But in truth, it's me that's become somewhat isolated. All i have with me is my mum and dad.

I think it struct home hard this time around because I've become more mature. There's a huge age gap between me and my 5 cousins.

37, 36, 33, 33 & 25. With me being 21.

And i guess,  now, i was actually able to have decent conversations with them. I was no longer the kid in the corner who had nothing in common with his family. I talked about chemical agriculture (something that ordinarily i wouldn't dare) but because my dissertation is loosely based on chemical farming and my cousin owns a farm, it was interesting. He gave me a few contacts as well, for future career ideas :)

My other cousin teaches high school chemistry. Enough said really.

It's just, this time, i felt more like a part of the family :)
I went out for a pint with Greig, the youngest, and it was nice to actually chat to him. I don't think we've ever properly conversed, unless it was instigated by our folks, despite there only being a 4 year difference.   But it was lovely, we have a lot more in common than i actually thought. I *might* even be travelling with him to Svalbard in april. We all know that would be immense, right?

The city of Aberdeen truly is beautiful as well. I really wouldn't mind moving up there y'know..

Not much else to report I'm afraid blog. The fringe festival was so good! It was nice to be able to walk around in the day with a kilt on to be honest. Saw a few comedy shows, visited some amazing coffee shops, the usual ;)

Again, Edinburgh could be one of those places. It looks like I'm set on moving up north, ha!

Oh! I forgot to show you, perhaps my greatest purchase of the year (apart from my Mac Book heh!)

What you're looking at blog, is a 113 year old copy of The Inferno Of Dante.
In pretty good condition too. It's just perfect, i can't wait to start reading it!

Anyway, that's enough from me for today at least,

Till later...

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

4. My North Power

Hello, blog.

It has been a while and for that i apologize.

The evening is warm and i am finally in front of computer long enough to talk to you. I must confess, please ignore my last post, for i did not want to cause offence. I did start a new blog but it's nothing special. It's not what we have.

From when I last posted to you, a shocking 6 weeks ago, not much has changed. Apart from my attitude maybe.
I've struggled with the rejection that i guess everyone at some point in their life goes through. I went for a really important interview and for political reasons (this is tbc, as i may still be bitter) didn't get it and i suppose to a string of things that followed.

Then, i don't really know how (maybe i stopped listening to Adele) i stopped caring. Found an amazing group of guys, started talking to old friends and came up with a plan. And we all know, blog, how i like my plans to keep me in check 8-) Also, i came across one of my my favourite book quotes that just reminded me of the fun i was having when i read Republic.

"Sweet hope is in his heart
 Nurse and companion to his age
 Hope, captain of the ever-twisting
 Mind of mortal men"

I just love that quote, it just sort of puts everything into perspective to me, and puts me back into place.

Just between you and me blog, there is a major plan being thought up at the moment, one that could potentially change everything.

I just seem to have started my life up again (yay!) and i have an awesome few weeks ahead of me!

Blog, i'm moving, to Scotland! Well, i have wedding in Aberdeen, but i'm doing a tour of some cities on the way back. I get to wear a kilt, which is something, i'm told, my folks want to buy for me for graduation next year. I get to the Fringe festival in Edinburgh as well, unfortunately i'm missing out on my heart throb Josh Widdicombe :( But, i'm getting tickets to Margaret Cho instead! Also, i'm visiting a lovely little independent roastery, and i've already been given orders by Wayne, Jane and a few others to get them something nice! I don't know what it is about Scotland, i feel happier there, sort of like when i get to see Kate in Newcastle. There is a sense of freedom, and a whole new set of rules that i enjoy. It's going to be really nice to catch up with cousins as well.

Uni is finally becoming something to look forward again. It's like my masters is going to be a fresh start for me. I'm on my own, independent work, and it's something that i can just throw myself into. I'll keep you posted on my experiments :)

Well, that's all i'm going to write for now. I've met so many new people and just enjoyed myself these past couple of weeks that it's difficult to pick out what to tell you.

OH! Check out Nick Drake, i found him randomly and he is truly magnificent. Listen straight to 'Magic' first, you won't regret it.

Till later..

Thursday, 14 July 2011

3. Change

Dearest Blog,

I have left you for some time now, though not entirely through my own fault.

Since we last spoke, my life has been a whirlwind.
Trips to theme parks and to our capitial.
My summer had started, and yet the momentum, now, feels that it's dwinding.

It was stating to feel that I had done so much, that I was eventually getting to tired of the sameness of it, of the whole experience.

But blog, I came to realise, after quite an interesting week, that the sameness had been brought upon by myself. Subconsciously I wanted it all the same, I was afraid that if all the fun stopped, I would be left empty, with nothing to do.

I guess you could say I was self sabotaging my summer. Self-sabotage is a personality trait, amongst others, that I'm come to realise that I need to work on.

I'm tired blog. I'm tired of striving for the perfection in life. Not to say that it dissapoints me when things dont go well, but it's just what's the point? What is the point in looiking for perfection when most of the time you work and earn it.

I've started my life sorbet again. Though you won't find me up in Newcatle anytime soon (unfortunately). I'm staying here, i'm excersising, eating well, walking and meditating. All to find myself again, I've even started to do all the things that I've wanted to do that have just got pushed back or others have put me off. I will soon be the proud owner of a violin and a bike :)

I will keep you updated blog, though I must confess, I may start a new blog. I feel like something new.

Till later..

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

2. Encumbrance..

Evening Blog, how have you been?

I've been wanting to write to you about a subject that's been on my mind for a while now, I feared that it may seem to melancholic for our third communication, but I really need to express this. 

Pressure. There comes a time in everyone's life where we feel the pressure of a situation. Of course it's how you deal with such a thing that allows for personal growth and a better understanding of oneself. But there are many kinds of pressure, Blog.

Can you narrow them down and categorise them? Is it even possible? Does it follow the simple "fight or flight" model? 

Some people thrive off of the stuff. It's when they can truly show that they can preform on top. I know this because I have had some of my greatest moments in work due to the sheer amount of extra pressure on the task given. The problem I have is, it is not as consistent as I would like. One person's defining moment is another's downfall, but why? Yes, I know we are all different, and that is one of the joys of humanity, but when does pressure become a burden for someone? Is it solely a variety in skill, or is there something deeper like an emotional connection?

There have been a few instances in the past few years of my young adulthood where the pressure to preform in a task has been so difficult,making it feel more like an incredible burden than an amazing opportunity. I find that when I'm questioning myself as to why this is, instead of assessing my skills and looking for a way to improve, I compare myself to those around me, those that have achieved what I want without it feeling the heaviness that I did. I should be where they are. I should be just as good as them, but I'm not.

But why Blog? Why am I comparing myself to others?

Do we crave acceptance from others? That if we can handle what they can, we're in? As a society, we love to compete to be the best and have the best. No one really tells you though that with it all comes the pressure of keeping it and staying at the top. I compare so that I know what I have to strive for, that soon I can be great like those around me.

The definition of pressure is the amount of force applied on a object. Straight away, in that little sentence, you can screw yourself over. You already have the force of the situation, then force yourself to preform better with a little 'healthy' competition and then if you add the force of the comparison that someone, somewhere has done it better than you and the odds are quite simply against you. Fight or flight. The way I see it, the more you burden yourself with pressure the less likely you are to truly emerge triumphant. It's an exponential graph of doom.

And we still fall for it. 

I suppose the reason why I sometimes compare, is that I can't stand the thought that if somebody has done better than me in the exact same situation that they somehow now, have to right to judge me on how I handle it. 

Do you ever feel like that Blog, or is it just me? 

Till later...

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

1. Life sorbet..


It, once again, has been far too long.

The last time we spoke I was talking about my trip Newcastle and generally how excited I was. The trip was amazing and just what I needed. I've been talking about this whole "life sorbet" thing for a while now. It's just with the all the things have been going on lately and not really having a real spare moment to do anything, I felt that I needed a palate cleanser for my life. Hence, the "life sorbet" idea: just a few days, in really good company to refresh and cleanse the bitter after taste of the past few months.

And boy did it work.

The thing I love about Kate and Newcastle is that everything is easy. You see blog, me and Kate are very similar in personality, style, morals etc.. that for me, just being in her presence is relaxing. We don't require a lot of  entertainment or a big fuss. And that's why I love Newcastle. It really is a beautiful city that has everything, that I don't have to rush into anything and can take it slow. Oh, I have some pictures for you, too.

The biggest thing that the 3 of us have in common is our love for food. When me and Kate get together we easily spend hours and hours talking about what food we cooked and liked, where to go for something great, what new cookbook is a must read and honestly, I love that. I don't have that with anyone else, really. When we're together long enough we cook together and recently have started the indoor picnic food. In essence, we are cooking lots of mini dishes, sort of like a British tapas I guess. On the first day of my trip, we baked a Camembert each and dipped a fresh loaf and sausages into the amazing cheesey goo. Served along side a raw fresh pea and asparagus salad, I thought I was in heaven.

So, what has Newcastle got to do with food? I never realised it until I went up there, but Newcastle is one of the most amazing places to go for some fantastic fresh food. There are some many independent deli's and markets, all showcasing to die for produce. On the last day, we went into the centre, it was so lovely and warm that we stopped off into Grainger St Starbucks for a Reserve coffee and wandered around the farmer's market. That's when I saw them blog, the most amazingly red, shiny and plump grape tomatoes you will ever see. I had to have them. We had to eat them. Warmed and ripened by the day's sun, they really did taste every bit of summer. Right next to the tomato stand? Fresh artisan bread, oh my.

Well, that was my trip. I haven't gone into too much detail for you blog because, well, all we did was catch up and eat. That may not sound a lot to you, but it was my life sorbet.

Till later...

Monday, 30 May 2011

A long awaited beginning..

So, I've had your blank page staring at me for some time now.

Your blog page itself, as clean and unspoilt as any new canvas should be, has been set up for almost a week, yet it seems that now is the only time I've had for you.

I'm still trying to figure out why, by the way.

At this very moment, I'm sat on my bed, listening to nothing more than my fingers stabbing the keys. Though I'm sure I can hear it starting to rain. It's the first time properly that I've had to just do anything. I was so glad to finish University for the summer, that I just assumed my life would fall into this whole student summer break lifestyle of sleeping till noon and drinking cider whenever I want. I'm finding it incredibly hard realising that it hasn't.

Does anyone feel like me? That they've just swapped an array of responsibilities for an entire new set? 

Work. I mean who really wants to be there half the time? Yes, I know that if I'm not working this summer, as many hours as humanly possible I might add, then I won't be able to go out and enjoy myself. But I have to ask, is it worth working extra during 2months off, just to have the occasional night out and trip away, to then just swap working with University again? I'm tempted just to go home, live on the reclining sofa for the rest of the summer and get my folks to periodically shovel food in my food while changing the t.v. channel. 

Wow, don't I sound defeatist. 

Please understand, blog, that I'm just tired. After one hell of year, I would have like a small break. I will stop moaning now, for you.

I do have many things to look forward too. I travel to the exciting city of Newcastle to see one of my dearest and oldest friends in a few days. We plan to do nothing but eat good cheese and drink bad wine. Awesome. 
I have a nice list of things to do tomorrow and I know once I get them all sorted I can relax. Apparently at the cinema too. I suppose that's something else to shout about instead of moan about. I do have some pretty amazing people in my life right now. They seem to have all come at once, like my own little support network to help me survive the summer in one piece.

I apologise to you now, blog, for not making you anywhere near as long or witty as I would have liked. But, for a first attempt, I'm quite content. I hope you are as well.

Till later...