Wednesday, 8 June 2011

1. Life sorbet..


It, once again, has been far too long.

The last time we spoke I was talking about my trip Newcastle and generally how excited I was. The trip was amazing and just what I needed. I've been talking about this whole "life sorbet" thing for a while now. It's just with the all the things have been going on lately and not really having a real spare moment to do anything, I felt that I needed a palate cleanser for my life. Hence, the "life sorbet" idea: just a few days, in really good company to refresh and cleanse the bitter after taste of the past few months.

And boy did it work.

The thing I love about Kate and Newcastle is that everything is easy. You see blog, me and Kate are very similar in personality, style, morals etc.. that for me, just being in her presence is relaxing. We don't require a lot of  entertainment or a big fuss. And that's why I love Newcastle. It really is a beautiful city that has everything, that I don't have to rush into anything and can take it slow. Oh, I have some pictures for you, too.

The biggest thing that the 3 of us have in common is our love for food. When me and Kate get together we easily spend hours and hours talking about what food we cooked and liked, where to go for something great, what new cookbook is a must read and honestly, I love that. I don't have that with anyone else, really. When we're together long enough we cook together and recently have started the indoor picnic food. In essence, we are cooking lots of mini dishes, sort of like a British tapas I guess. On the first day of my trip, we baked a Camembert each and dipped a fresh loaf and sausages into the amazing cheesey goo. Served along side a raw fresh pea and asparagus salad, I thought I was in heaven.

So, what has Newcastle got to do with food? I never realised it until I went up there, but Newcastle is one of the most amazing places to go for some fantastic fresh food. There are some many independent deli's and markets, all showcasing to die for produce. On the last day, we went into the centre, it was so lovely and warm that we stopped off into Grainger St Starbucks for a Reserve coffee and wandered around the farmer's market. That's when I saw them blog, the most amazingly red, shiny and plump grape tomatoes you will ever see. I had to have them. We had to eat them. Warmed and ripened by the day's sun, they really did taste every bit of summer. Right next to the tomato stand? Fresh artisan bread, oh my.

Well, that was my trip. I haven't gone into too much detail for you blog because, well, all we did was catch up and eat. That may not sound a lot to you, but it was my life sorbet.

Till later...

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